Since the Coronavirus (virtual performances in confinement)
It has been a while since our last blog entry / event announcement and so we wanted is to reach out to you, our esteemed audience / readers, to give you a quick update and to share with you some virtual Flamenco performance experiences to keep you going in these interesting times.
Following our November performance we started planning performances for 2020, however due to operational changes at the venue, our plans were first delayed and then with the coronavirus outbreak, plans for a June performance with guest artists had to be put on an ‘indefinite’ hold.
We hope to be able to resume with our programming in the near future. In the meantime we would like to, from time-to-time, share with you interesting Flamenco news and online / virtual performances that took place and are taking place during confinement.
Spain’s Lockdown
As you may know, Spain, where Flamenco Calgary’s webmaster and director Annette Morcos lives, was hit hard by the Coronavirus pandemic and therefore was put under a severe lockdown from March 12 until recently. Although we are still under a state of alarm, we can now see the end of the tunnel as the state of alarm is scheduled to be lifted at the beginning of June.
Here is a short video clip of what became a common sound in Seville with people encouraging the health care personnel for all their hard work. This is from outside of my house and you can hear that in my neighbourhood someone decided to play a Spanish version of ‘I will survive’ to commemorate the occasion. Every day at 8:00 pm this was the recurring sound.
Virtual Flamenco Performances
For your pleasure here is a video of a virtual performance by Farruquito (Juan Manuel Fernandez Montoya) done in May, as part of a virtual flamenco festival. His performance is done on an improvised stage built in his house with his wife and son cheering him on. His dancing accompanies a recording of a fragment from his performance entitled ‘Farruuito’. Enjoy!
About Farruquito Bio
Singer: Mari Vizagarra, Maria Mezcle & Antonio Villar
Guitar: Guirai ??
Percussion: El Lolo; Keyboard and base: Melchior Borja